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#201 OFFLINE   Mariachi



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Отправлено 17 July 2013 - 08:03

Тереться сракотаном об траву уже сейчас в стабильной можно, или ты про какую-то другую анимацию?

Сообщение отредактировал Mariachi: 17 July 2013 - 08:04

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#202 OFFLINE   Nikolay



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Отправлено 17 July 2013 - 10:56

в dev-версии добавили БТР и БМП на гусеницах, машинки просто огонь, броня не пробивается с первого раза :)
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Отправлено 17 July 2013 - 14:16

SITREP #00018 / Оперативная сводка # 00018:


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#204 OFFLINE   samogon



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Отправлено 19 July 2013 - 14:21

В дев версии русский язык появился.

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#205 OFFLINE   Ystas



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Отправлено 19 July 2013 - 16:05

В дев версии русский язык появился.
Вроде нет, я проверил не нашел. 
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#206 OFFLINE   Nkey



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Отправлено 19 July 2013 - 16:09

Вроде нет, я проверил не нашел.

Там в стиме нужно вроде переключать, не?
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#207 OFFLINE   samogon



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Отправлено 19 July 2013 - 16:11

Русский язык,а не руссификацию.Т.Е в чат можно по русски писать.

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#208 OFFLINE   Ystas



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Отправлено 19 July 2013 - 16:17

В ручную я русифицировал,но язык частично есть.

Редактор на Русском.В чат не пробовал,попробую отпишусь.Уже прогресс по языку, может в ближайшем патче и появится полностью.


P.S. Проверил, чат работает на Русском :)

Кто не знает как вручную русифицировать Арма3? Вот ссылка, здесь все ясно описано и показано 



Опробовал чат еще раз,когда  пишу текст на Русском, в игре его не видно.

Сообщение отредактировал Ystas: 19 July 2013 - 22:53

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#209 OFFLINE   AKM_39


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Отправлено 23 July 2013 - 16:54

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#210 OFFLINE   kirilldjan



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Отправлено 24 July 2013 - 17:29

Some additional notes about changes made to AI. Some fixes/features were included partly before public Alpha, but waited on changes in other departments and proper integration into gameplay, thus did not make it to the official changelogs. Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Hladik View Post New types of obstacles for pathfinding - objects that only some types of units can get over (i.e. only soldiers, only soldiers or tanks, only boats) Improved pre-processing of terrain for path-planning Path planning for divers - makign them makigate underwater AI not wasting rockets on infantry Flashlights affect AI detection - Flashlights help you to detect enemy, but also reveals you AI is properly using weapon optics to find enemy - Including Thermal Optics Improved how night changes the chance to spot enemy Fixed that AI was using binoculars on close distance Silencers decreasing audibility AI mines detection and avoidance AI using hand grenades more AI able to use grenade launchers - they will engage with UGLs Blackhawk gunners are more capable while searching for new targets - done in OA and merged Helicopters pilots prefer not to crash to trees and hills - but reserve the right to do so Small improvements of helicopter attack pattern - less dive-bombing Boats able to navigate around piers Fixed some cases of AI stuck in fleeing Improved AI ability to to send medic AI using first aid kit AI will not shoot you through bushes, if he did not see you before - fixed in OA and merged AI can drive physx vehicles Loiter waypoint AI will also assign secondary turrets AI will not disembark to change position in vehicle - if possible AI will not take your commanding role in vehicle Improved how particles are decreasing chance to spot enemy AI visibility in new fog Fixed: AI not able to open doors in some buildings New system for AI roads creation Improved AI commanding - selection of cover point on position where you are sending soldier to Improved weapon selection - based on time needed to lock missile or turn vehicle; done in TKOH and merged These are not the all the changes, just those I could remember at home at this late hour. Some other changes that are WIP. currently not deployed. N.B. Not all tweaks are guaranteed to ever make it into the final build, depending on validation. Also note, many features need a lot of parameters properly configured and it takes time to balance them. Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Hladik View Post AI not using pistol, when it should not - in some stage of releasing, WIP Grass is decreasing chance to spot enemy - in some stage of releasing, WIP AI prefer crouch stance while engaging - WIP, to be released Decreased visibility of shooting - so AI does not find you instantly after killing one of them and also now each shoot close to enemy will decrease error of guessed position - WIP, to be released

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This data set is the patch candidate for tomorrow's release Fixed: Persistent task notification Supply parachutes now have correct colors per sides Camo version of UH-80 is now listed as made by BI Corrected position for optics, coaxial machinegun made on correct place (AMV) Fixed: Undefined variable error when engaging the spotters (Showcase Infantry) Fixed: No artillery rounds were hitting the village at the end of the mission (Showcase Infantry) Roadcone and Roadbarrier lights are now operational
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#211 OFFLINE   AKM_39


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Отправлено 25 July 2013 - 16:02

Когда ждать перевода?

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Отправлено 25 July 2013 - 16:21

Когда ждать перевода?

WIP. Как только так сразу. Что за претензии?)

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#213 OFFLINE   AKM_39


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Отправлено 25 July 2013 - 16:24

Не претензия а обычный вопрос.

Сообщение отредактировал AKM_39: 25 July 2013 - 16:24

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#214 OFFLINE   Consum



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Отправлено 25 July 2013 - 17:15

Здесь перечислены все изменения и дополнения

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Сообщение отредактировал Consum: 25 July 2013 - 17:16

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Отправлено 25 July 2013 - 19:50

Список изменении в патче 0.74:


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#216 OFFLINE   AKM_39


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Отправлено 25 July 2013 - 21:12

Спасибо за оперативный перевод

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#217 OFFLINE   kirilldjan



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Отправлено 26 July 2013 - 15:55

Extra kudos to Lord Pettka for assisting me with an extra set of eyes, scanning all changes relevant for your consumption Decreased speed on ladders Fixed lighting of 3D GUI objects Assigned new style collision envelopes to movement with rifle. This should fix several issues with clipping, sticking and walking through walls. Also improves character handling, as the rotation axis is now moved under characters head, instead of it's feet. Pistol envelopes remain old-style for comparison, but will shortly follow. Number of particles in missile trail effect reduced Adjusted underwater view distance for AI Fixed: In Splendid Camera, setting daytime is now rounded to whole minutes, instead to whole hours as it was previously. Added: When reporting targets, divers, medics, MRAPs, and some other types are identified by specific word. Fixed: Wrong hint class used in Showcase Scuba Firing Drills: Fixed broken hint in CoF: Orange Firing Drills: Competitors are healed with every reset / restart Firing Drills: CoFs now select the correct default weapon with every reset / restart Firing Drills: Competitor weapons were not properly reset when more weapon types were available during the CoF Firing Drills: Check Point and target voice messages would sometimes continue after restarting Reduced initial slip of Offroad Drivers have gone to training lessons to improve their driving capabilities Added: Film grain and subtle animation for scenario overview images New key presets with fixed Track IR controls Added: Faction flag is now visible when inserting an unit in the editor Added new reticle for RPG Countermeasures have correct name displayed RPG-42 using more realistic munitions, NLAW guided again New recoils for Katiba Tweak: set recoils for TRG and Katiba Tracked APCs don't have suspension of tracker / trailer wheels AMV and Kamysh properly eject shells Alpha has been sorted better for roads Unknown side is no longer the dominant one TrackIR Z-axis has been fixed CH-49 Mohawk should correctly show damaged hull Pistol optics disabled when side-prone HEMTT and Zamak have new custom get out animations Tracked APC crews kill-able with penetrating shots APCs should have enhanced fire effects APCs damage model has been improved Crew of APCs is allowed to show their NVGs Added new penetration materials for armoured vehicles Knees of pilot look better Hints in FM have been adjusted according to recent zoom changes Various undefined variables have been fixed Some plants, roads and rocks have their specular materials tweaked HEMTT has better destruction of windows Zamak has a more authentic look Selecting the same island twice will no longer refresh the clouds Improved: Island preview image is now larger and better proportioned Fixed: Vehicle classes were not sorted alphabetically Fixed: Respawn menu was updated even after it was closed Reduced optics shake on mortars and cannons Fixed OPFOR ammo box [wrong machine gun ammo type] MX and Mk.20 reload magazine animations have been improved MX rifles have correct description of ammo used on them Короч, посоны... Что то сделали с системой пробития брони техники! Будим посмотреть! + прицельная сетка у РПГ и стали более лучше его боеприпасы! Это праздник какой то!

Сообщение отредактировал kirilldjan: 26 July 2013 - 15:55

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#218 OFFLINE   Mariachi



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Отправлено 26 July 2013 - 17:29

kirilldjan, праздник был бы, если бы все это появилось во вчерашнем патче.
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#219 OFFLINE   samogon



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Отправлено 26 July 2013 - 21:06

Камаз помыли.А сетку я уже сделал :)

Кстате моя сетка поточнее будет.

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#220 OFFLINE   ScorpionS



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Отправлено 27 July 2013 - 18:13

Люди сделайте обзор бетты полный где будет редактор  и остальная муть. а то по Альфе есть а вот по бете нет

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