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0.com.au/forum/arma/355-arma-3-beta-performance-tweaks-and-settings-guide?limitstart=0&start=10А вот что нагружает CPU GPU и как ни странно HDD
Sampling: Use 100% unless you have a very specific reason. Texture Quality (HDD/GPU): High to Ultra, High stops a lot of the building pop-in Ultra basically eliminates it. Objects Quality (CPU/GPU): Standard to High, having this on a higher setting will reduce pop-in from terrain features but comes at the cost of frames. Terrain Quality (CPU/GPU): Standard to High, higher means more frame lag for not much gain visually or otherwise. Shadow Quality (GPU): DISABLED or High+, lower settings seem to be worse, Ultra seems to give best performance. Particles Quality (GPU): Standard or High, Ultra seems to have no effect on frames but is probably not good on older graphics cards or in multiplayer. Cloud Quality (GPU): DISABLED, you are on the ground not in the clouds plus it stops them from rotating. PIP (GPU): Low or DISABLED, while better than it was previously keep in mind that it still consumes a lot of frames while driving for a cosmetic effect. HDR (GPU): Low has better performance. Dynamic Lights (GPU): Low or High, Ultra seems to have no effect on frames but is probably not good on older graphics cards or in multiplayer.