- P:\ConvertWrp>echo on
- P:\ConvertWrp>convertwrp Altis.wrp 60 pew.cfg
- convertwrp Version 1.74, Dll 4.51 "Altis.wrp"
- OPRW Version 25 (binarised)
- LayerSize = 1024 x 1024
- MapSize = 4096 x 4096
- Gridsize 30.0
- Reading Cellflags...
- Reading EnvSounds...
- Reading Peaks...
- Reading WRP_RvmatIndex...
- Reading randomclutter...
- Reading compressed bytes1...
- Reading Elevations...
- Reading layers...
- Reading Object p3d's...
- Reading Classed models...
- Reading ReadPackedGrid4...
- Reading ReadPackedGrid5...
- Reading Compressed Bytes2...
- Reading Compressed Bytes3...
- Reading Roads...
- Reading Objects...
- Reading MapInfo...
- ***Warning*** unknown mapinfotype 38
- The remaininder of the file has not been read
- Building pew.......
- Config File: In File pew.cfg: Line 46 No TokenPew: Bad Config file
- closing pew...done
- Press the ANY key
Содержание pew.cfg
- #define ARTIFICIAL 2
- #define ROADS 3
- #define RGB_DEFAULT -1
- #define RGB_BLACK 0x000000
- #define RGB_BLUE 0xFF0000
- #define RGB_GREEN 0x00FF00
- #define RGB_RED 0x0000FF
- #define RGB_GREY 0x7F7F7F
- #define RGB_DARK_GREEN 0x007F00
- class OBJECTS
- {
- colors[]=
- {
- /*{// this is the default color and type
- {
- "x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_bi_res_vegetation\m\bush",
- "x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_bi_res_vegetation\m\tree"
- }
- },*/
- {
- {
- "x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_bi_res_vegetation\m\foresttree",
- "x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_bi_res_vegetation\m\forestbush"
- }
- },{
- {RGB_GREY,NATURAL},{"ca\rocks"}
- },{
- {"x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_tmyk_bridges","o\hous"}
- },{
- {
- "ca\roads",
- "ca\roads2",
- "x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_ags_build\roads",
- "x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_objects\m\road",
- }
- },{
- {"ca\buildings","ca\structures"}
- }
- };
- };
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