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голосование | Достичь компромисса. (DTAS)

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Сообщений в теме: 28

#21 OFFLINE   Caterpillar



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Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 13:38

Not only marksmans/snipers needs limitation.almost everything need limitation like RPGs,LMGs etc etc.
Sniper rifles - well such rifles was used as AT weapon in WW2,no sense to use them more that 1 per team for example.
Optics for defence also needed,but not in huge quantities.Needs limitation anyway
LMGs IMO needs because they doesn't work properly.This weapon doesn't works like it works in RL.There was nobody takes it,while it was without it.Also - need limitation.


Just make a "marksman" class for defence with Katiba CARBINE (short barrel) and ACOG with 3 mags, other classes with COBRA sight excluding RPG and Granadier because they have their own advantages. Give marksman only 1 smoke granade and no frags. That way it will be the most balanced and believe me it won't be exploited much.
And PLEASE remove the Gepard .50 from attackers and place the .303 with just 2 mags and 1 smoke.
Give the attackers 6.5s or TRG 21 because it's better than the F2000 (on medium-long range).
Remove all first aids from defenders excluding the medic, give him medic kit and 10 first aid kits.
Give HOLO to the attacker's granadier and RPG (and TRG 20), give TRG 21 to Rifleman and ACOG.
Keep the marksman as it is on attackers.
Remove rifleman(sd) and add "Operator" with TRG20(sd)(holo)(3 mags) + new 9mm pistol(sd) + 1 frag + frog mine(it will be useful).

Samogon, if you have time to do this for 1.03 and call it 1.03MODx it will be VERY appritiated.
I'm telling you, it's the best after the limitation idea (that unfortunatly it seems impossible).

Сообщение отредактировал Caterpillar: 01 July 2013 - 13:48

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#22 OFFLINE   Avi



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Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 13:41

Remove rifleman(sd) and add "Operator" with Scorpion EVO(sd) + pistol(sd) + 1 frag + frog mine(it will be useful).

Scorpion is bad idea: the opponent will rather dye of laughing his ass out than of scorpion's firepower.
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#23 OFFLINE   Caterpillar



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Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 13:46

Remove rifleman(sd) and add "Operator" with Scorpion EVO(sd) + pistol(sd) + 1 frag + frog mine(it will be useful).

Scorpion is bad idea: the opponent will rather dye of laughing his ass out than of scorpion's firepower.

You're right, it's like the 9mm pistols - pretty aweful.
The developers should of realy upgraded these 9mm weaps, 6 shots to kill? What is this, BF3?
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#24 OFFLINE   GalZohar



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Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 14:41

Caterpillar - Some of your ideas are stuff were never any different (sniper caliber 0.4 and not 0.5, no medkits for defenders, no scopes for special attacker kits like AT/GL/SD - It had always been like this). Other ideas are just not good. Please play more before you make suggestions. 9mm is weak because of poor body armor simulation. With good body armor it really does take many shots to break the plate. But hitting the arm/leg/head should have full effect. In-game simulation of body armor is bad so 9mm almost always does weak damage. Rifleman(sd) is already weak enough and does not need to be made weaker. If anything, he could use a boost (will look into different mines, but it will take work to make sure they are deleted correctly between rounds). Making a class with no ammo is bad idea in my opinion. If weapon is too good - Remove weapon. Don't remove ammo. It's like laughing at the player when you give him good weapon but no ammo to use it. Soldiers IRL never worry about primary weapon ammo in a short battle such as the battle in DTAS. Only special ammo (grenades, rockets) should be limited. As for carbine instead of normal rifle - I have yet to see the real difference in-game. Even IRL the difference is usually not important under 300-400m. Will need to test more - But if the difference is as small as it should be, then it will not help balance marksman for defenders. If you think 5.56 is effective I can add a 5.56 kit (TRG-21) to attackers, but I don't think anyone will use it as it usually takes 2 shots to kill someone with it instead of 1 shot with 6.5mm, and the recoil difference is very small. As for MGs, if you give them scopes they become marksman rifles with large magazines, and nobody will use the marksman. So you can choose between large magazines or other benefits such as more grenades (both attack/defense) or a scope (attack only). As for kit restrictions - I prefer to avoid it. People don't like to be forced to picking a certain kit, and if kits are balanced then all kits will be used without forcing people to use them. When I let people use any kit I can see which kits are used too much and which kits are not used so that I can weaken/strengthen them (either now, or in the future when more weapons are available).

Сообщение отредактировал GalZohar: 01 July 2013 - 14:43

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Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 14:52

Предлагаю вернуть в машину дополнительные патроны и амуницию, это еще один выбор атаке: брать или не брать под угрозой атаки РПГ.

На самом деле выбор ненужен, просто берешь что тебе нужно на точке респа, не опасаясь РПГ.

If defenders run in the open it is their problem.

Абсолютно верно.

По поводу 9 мм, также считаю что пуля в незащищенную голову это летальный исход. Если будет так, тогда появится хоть какой то смысл использовать пистолеты.

Сообщение отредактировал 7DAP: 01 July 2013 - 15:02

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#26 OFFLINE   GalZohar



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Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 15:37

We ran a test for 9mm in the past. Bullet in the head usually kills, but not always. Anywhere else will always do very low damage. 6.5mm is optimal for CQB due to 1 shot 1 kill (unlike 5.56 at 2 shots as it only does ~0.8-0.9 damage or so even at short range) and almost same recoil. 7.62 is usually better since it doesn't have much more recoil than 6.5mm but keeps damage over longer distances. This is why attackers have a choice both 6.5mm MG and 7.62 MG, while defenders only have 6.5mm MG with no sights and only 3 100-round magazines. Again, if you insist 5.56 has advantages, I have no problem giving attackers a 5.56 option (as long as it is an extra kit, not replacing an existing one). Same as I did with the suppressor (for attackers), which reduces your damage unrealistically (In real life suppressors don't reduce damage) and still makes plenty of noise - I added it because you guys wanted to be able to use it... Gear in vehicles would be a nice idea if the soldier didn't have plenty of space to carry anything he'll ever need. If I put more gear in vehicles, you'll just grab it as you spawn and never need the vehicle anyway. Might as well just give it to you at round start and save you the trouble of opening the gear menu every time. With no ammo in vehicles it is possible to limit the ammo each kit gets, since you don't have anywhere to pick up more (except for dead team members or enemies).

Сообщение отредактировал GalZohar: 01 July 2013 - 15:39

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#27 OFFLINE   samogon



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Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 20:35

Edited to Caterpillar concept,but created some mine changes.Main REDs weapon now TRG-21.But some classes still have KATIBAs.
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#28 OFFLINE   Beast47



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Отправлено 13 September 2013 - 14:36

Я против этого. Чем мне всегда нравились некоторые сервера, так это тем что им постоянно нужно что то "вырезать" из оригинала. Это еще со времен первого флэша.

"Далеко можно стрелять"?- вырезать, вауйте на ближних дистанциях, стрельба по мушке, похрен что в игре по сути 2030 год! У нас тут до сих пор 1980, совковое мышление и "Operation Flashpoint"!

Лозунг третьей армы: "выжить, ПРИСПОСОБИТЬСЯ, победить". Тут видимо ни о какой приспосабливаемости нет речи. Убивают нападающих на 800-1200 метров? Что мешает нападающему сесть в машинку за 200$ и доехать до какого нибудь камушка ближе к точке на 500 метров? Что мешает нападающему взять тот же прицел и вести равный бой на этой пресловутой дальности в 1км?

[color=#b22222;]"EDIT:[/color] Мы также ограничим «снайпер» класса на нападавших до 1 на 4/5 игроков. [color=#008000;]Если вы хотите[/color]." Лол, а обороняющиеся могут все гонять снайперами?. Баланс, такой баланс.

Сообщение отредактировал Beast47: 13 September 2013 - 14:37

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#29 OFFLINE   samogon



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Отправлено 13 September 2013 - 14:47

Что мешает нападающему сесть в машинку за 200$ и доехать до какого нибудь камушка ближе к точке на 500 метров?


Ты с FT2/Варфарой не путаешь?

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